Destiny 2 Faction Rally Returns Soon; Here Are Some New Weapon And Armor Rewards

Aside from those rewards that players will earn from their Faction, the three groups will also be competing with each other. The Faction that obtains the most rewards packages will be deemed the winner, and that group’s exclusive weapon will then be sold for one week. Assuming prices remain consistent with those earlier events, members of the winning Faction will be able to purchase the weapon for 1,000 Glimmer, while everyone else can buy it for 50,000. Unlike in the past, though, all three will sell a weapon of the same type–this time around, it’s an auto rifle. You can also see those in the gallery above.
The return of Faction Rally and Iron Banner were just some of the announcement Bungie made today. It also shared in-depth details about what content will be free versus paid, changes to Eververse and cosmetic items, quality-of-life improvements, and a roadmap that includes the addition of Masterwork armor.
Source:: Gamestop News